Monday - Friday 6:30am to 7:00pm Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Our Services
Specializing in Excellence - Where Quality Matters!
No Matter How Stubborn the Stain
Our Experienced Team Will Do Their Best To Remove It!
Hours don't match up with yours? No worries! We offer 24-hour covered drive-thru drop-off at our location for your convenience!
Done on Premises
We safely handle your items ourselves so your garments NEVER leave our location. Everything is done on premises - we even check and replace broken buttons at no extra charge!
Same Day Pickup
Monday thru Friday, items dropped off by 9:00am will be ready by 5:00pm - at no additional cost! Whether its a suit for work tomorrow, a dress for a special party later tonight, we've got you covered!
& Go
Save Time - Pick Up & Go - No Delays! It's that simple! The VIP Bag automated billing option allows you to authorize charges to your credit card. We offer complimentary VIP Bags to make dropping your clothes off faster and easier!
Reliable - Prompt - Professional